

InSAR — Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar — technology is a microwave satellite-based solution for detecting land motions and structural displacements. Recent developments in radar technology provides a unique solution for ground subsidence and structural stability monitoring.


SpaceFix is a modular web platform, which delivers tailored InSAR information for our clients. It is a user experience oriented toolkit, and furnishes different widgets into an interactive service. Spacefix implements a dedicated geospatial, time series and geotechnical analysis of InSAR data in conjunction with various industrial requirements. The platform utilizes simple and sophisticated data processing pipelines to serve our partners' interests.



It is hard to list all possible application fields of InSAR technology. Depending on sensors, region of interest and data processing methodology routinely used industrial domains are the followings:

The common in each of them is a certain risk of the surface, structural instability or displacement related to the human activity itself, or a geohazardous environment.


DATelite Informatics Ltd. was established in 2017 as an official spin-off company of University of Pécs, Hungary. The company formulation was a result a long research cooperation of senior researchers from various field of STEM and an important international partner of the University, sarmap SA from Switzerland. The core members of the company have led various national and international scientific research and development projects for more than two decades.

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